The Jarvis Template is a particularly modern one page/parallax design template that is certain to impress all of your online websites site visitors. If you are looking for a template which offers a large numbers of building opportunities and that taps right into the very best of WordPress platforms, search no more, you have just simply discovered it!
The Jarvis Template has a merely signifigant amounts of astonishing attributes and development solutions. This phenomenal wordpress theme can be tailored with least energy and effort and maybe put to use in a wide variety of website designs, from corporate/firms to web blogs.
Jarvis offers an unlimited amount of design opportunities from a plethora of navigation settings to its unlimited colorings and its progressed background alternatives like tailor made backgrounds for each parallax point including full size video.
The Jarvis WordPress Theme is 100% responsive and all the components from the navigation to the slider can change resolution to complement that of the computer of your internet users, providing them a seamless browsing experience.
Sales Page: http://themeforest.net/item/jarvis-onepage-parallax-wordpress-theme/5370691
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