Create the flipbook directly from a PDF file. Just enter the url of your pdf book / magazine / brochure and the flipbook will be automatically generated without any additinal conversion
If you dont have a pdf file you can also create the flipbook from jpg or png images. Multiple file upload is supported so you can upload all your pages at once.
The flipbook has a multiple fallback modes that enables it to work on all platforms desktop & mobile. The default WebGl mode offers realistic 3D page flip animations with page bending, lights and shadows. This mode is supported on most desktop browsers. In case WebGl is not supported there is a fallback CSS3D mode that uses only CSS3 animations. This mode works on all modern desktop & mobile browsers. There is also 2D mode with only jQuery animations.
With lightbox mode you can put a text link or an image link anywhere on your site and by clicking on a link the flipbook will be opened in a lightbox. This way you can have multiple books / magazines / brochures on the same page.
Normal mode creates a flipbook inside a div with optional size
FUlscreen mode creates a flipbook that covers the entire page
Sales Page: http://codecanyon.net/item/real-3d-flipbook-wordpress-plugin/6942587
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