WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter (or WooCommerce AJAX Layered Navigation) adds advanced product filtering to your WooCommerce shop. It provides a rich user interface for users to filter products by custom attributes, custom taxonomies, hierarchical categories, custom post meta fields, WooCommerce products meta and at real time.
You can build your own store advanced filters with drag and drop in a minute. There is no limit on the number of filters you add to shop; so customers can filter products by nested categories, price, dimension, size, color, weight, rate, sales count,… Unlimited more product attributes in three types of UI: Slider, Drop Down and checkbox list. Filters can even be applied on product search results. So you can search and apply filters on your product results.
Filter results are loaded via AJAX at realtime, but dont worry about SEO Woo AJAX Product Filter uses HTML5 PushState and for old browsers HashTag fallback.
This plugin is best for stores with a lot of products and items or multiple product attributes
Sales Page: http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-ajax-product-filter-wordpress-plugin/4640387
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